blob: 29c02c836a853a6d9d27ad6fd6b9fc7a5234f6b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter_android/google_maps_flutter_android.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter_platform_interface/google_maps_flutter_platform_interface.dart';
void main() {
late List<String> log;
setUp(() async {
log = <String>[];
/// Initializes a map with the given ID and canned responses, logging all
/// calls to [log].
void configureMockMap(
GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid maps, {
required int mapId,
required Future<dynamic>? Function(MethodCall call) handler,
}) {
final MethodChannel channel = maps.ensureChannelInitialized(mapId);
(MethodCall methodCall) {
return handler(methodCall);
Future<void> sendPlatformMessage(
int mapId, String method, Map<dynamic, dynamic> data) async {
final ByteData byteData =
const StandardMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(MethodCall(method, data));
await _ambiguate(TestDefaultBinaryMessengerBinding.instance)!
byteData, (ByteData? data) {});
test('registers instance', () async {
expect(GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance, isA<GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid>());
// Calls each method that uses invokeMethod with a return type other than
// void to ensure that the casting/nullability handling succeeds.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this once there is real test coverage of
// each method, since that would cover this issue.
test('non-void invokeMethods handle types correctly', () async {
const int mapId = 0;
final GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid maps = GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid();
configureMockMap(maps, mapId: mapId,
handler: (MethodCall methodCall) async {
switch (methodCall.method) {
case 'map#getLatLng':
return <dynamic>[1.0, 2.0];
case 'markers#isInfoWindowShown':
return true;
case 'map#getZoomLevel':
return 2.5;
case 'map#takeSnapshot':
return null;
await maps.getLatLng(const ScreenCoordinate(x: 0, y: 0), mapId: mapId);
await maps.isMarkerInfoWindowShown(const MarkerId(''), mapId: mapId);
await maps.getZoomLevel(mapId: mapId);
await maps.takeSnapshot(mapId: mapId);
// Check that all the invokeMethod calls happened.
expect(log, <String>[
test('markers send drag event to correct streams', () async {
const int mapId = 1;
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> jsonMarkerDragStartEvent = <dynamic, dynamic>{
'mapId': mapId,
'markerId': 'drag-start-marker',
'position': <double>[1.0, 1.0]
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> jsonMarkerDragEvent = <dynamic, dynamic>{
'mapId': mapId,
'markerId': 'drag-marker',
'position': <double>[1.0, 1.0]
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> jsonMarkerDragEndEvent = <dynamic, dynamic>{
'mapId': mapId,
'markerId': 'drag-end-marker',
'position': <double>[1.0, 1.0]
final GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid maps = GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid();
final StreamQueue<MarkerDragStartEvent> markerDragStartStream =
StreamQueue<MarkerDragStartEvent>(maps.onMarkerDragStart(mapId: mapId));
final StreamQueue<MarkerDragEvent> markerDragStream =
StreamQueue<MarkerDragEvent>(maps.onMarkerDrag(mapId: mapId));
final StreamQueue<MarkerDragEndEvent> markerDragEndStream =
StreamQueue<MarkerDragEndEvent>(maps.onMarkerDragEnd(mapId: mapId));
await sendPlatformMessage(
mapId, 'marker#onDragStart', jsonMarkerDragStartEvent);
await sendPlatformMessage(mapId, 'marker#onDrag', jsonMarkerDragEvent);
await sendPlatformMessage(
mapId, 'marker#onDragEnd', jsonMarkerDragEndEvent);
expect((await, equals('drag-marker'));
'Does not use PlatformViewLink when using TLHC',
() async {
final GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid maps = GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid();
maps.useAndroidViewSurface = false;
final Widget widget = maps.buildViewWithConfiguration(1, (int _) {},
widgetConfiguration: const MapWidgetConfiguration(
CameraPosition(target: LatLng(0, 0), zoom: 1),
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr));
expect(widget, isA<AndroidView>());
testWidgets('Use PlatformViewLink when using surface view',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
final GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid maps = GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid();
maps.useAndroidViewSurface = true;
final Widget widget = maps.buildViewWithConfiguration(1, (int _) {},
widgetConfiguration: const MapWidgetConfiguration(
CameraPosition(target: LatLng(0, 0), zoom: 1),
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr));
expect(widget, isA<PlatformViewLink>());
testWidgets('Defaults to surface view', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid maps = GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid();
final Widget widget = maps.buildViewWithConfiguration(1, (int _) {},
widgetConfiguration: const MapWidgetConfiguration(
CameraPosition(target: LatLng(0, 0), zoom: 1),
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr));
expect(widget, isA<PlatformViewLink>());
/// This allows a value of type T or T? to be treated as a value of type T?.
/// We use this so that APIs that have become non-nullable can still be used
/// with `!` and `?` on the stable branch.
T? _ambiguate<T>(T? value) => value;