[flutter_plugin_tools] Migrate firebase-test-lab to new base command (#4116)

Migrates firebase-test-lab to use the new package-looping base command.

Other changes:
- Extracts several helpers to make the main flow easier to follow
- Removes support for finding and running `*_e2e.dart` files, since we no longer use that file structure for integration tests.

Part of https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/83413
diff --git a/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md b/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md
index a2716cb..2b15ccd 100644
--- a/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+## NEXT
+- Modified the output format of many commands
+- **Breaking change**: `firebase-test-lab` no longer supports `*_e2e.dart`
+  files, only `integration_test/*_test.dart`.
 ## 0.3.0
 - Add a --build-id flag to `firebase-test-lab` instead of hard-coding the use of
diff --git a/script/tool/lib/src/firebase_test_lab_command.dart b/script/tool/lib/src/firebase_test_lab_command.dart
index b4f5e92..9f4982b 100644
--- a/script/tool/lib/src/firebase_test_lab_command.dart
+++ b/script/tool/lib/src/firebase_test_lab_command.dart
@@ -10,18 +10,16 @@
 import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
 import 'common/core.dart';
-import 'common/plugin_command.dart';
+import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
 import 'common/process_runner.dart';
 /// A command to run tests via Firebase test lab.
-class FirebaseTestLabCommand extends PluginCommand {
+class FirebaseTestLabCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
   /// Creates an instance of the test runner command.
     Directory packagesDir, {
     ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
-    Print print = print,
-  })  : _print = print,
-        super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner) {
+  }) : super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner) {
       defaultsTo: 'flutter-infra',
@@ -74,8 +72,6 @@
   static const String _gradleWrapper = 'gradlew';
-  final Print _print;
   Completer<void>? _firebaseProjectConfigured;
   Future<void> _configureFirebaseProject() async {
@@ -86,7 +82,7 @@
     final String serviceKey = getStringArg('service-key');
     if (serviceKey.isEmpty) {
-      _print('No --service-key provided; skipping gcloud authorization');
+      print('No --service-key provided; skipping gcloud authorization');
     } else {
       await processRunner.run(
@@ -105,10 +101,10 @@
       if (exitCode == 0) {
-        _print('\nFirebase project configured.');
+        print('\nFirebase project configured.');
       } else {
-        _print(
+        print(
             '\nWarning: gcloud config set returned a non-zero exit code. Continuing anyway.');
@@ -116,172 +112,155 @@
-  Future<void> run() async {
-    final Stream<Directory> packagesWithTests = getPackages().where(
-        (Directory d) =>
-            isFlutterPackage(d) &&
-            d
-                .childDirectory('example')
-                .childDirectory('android')
-                .childDirectory('app')
-                .childDirectory('src')
-                .childDirectory('androidTest')
-                .existsSync());
+  Future<List<String>> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
+    if (!package
+        .childDirectory('example')
+        .childDirectory('android')
+        .childDirectory('app')
+        .childDirectory('src')
+        .childDirectory('androidTest')
+        .existsSync()) {
+      printSkip('No example with androidTest directory');
+      return PackageLoopingCommand.success;
+    }
-    final List<String> failingPackages = <String>[];
-    final List<String> missingFlutterBuild = <String>[];
-    int resultsCounter =
-        0; // We use a unique GCS bucket for each Firebase Test Lab run
-    await for (final Directory package in packagesWithTests) {
-      // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/38983
+    final List<String> errors = <String>[];
-      final Directory exampleDirectory = package.childDirectory('example');
-      final String packageName =
-          p.relative(package.path, from: packagesDir.path);
-      _print('\nRUNNING FIREBASE TEST LAB TESTS for $packageName');
+    final Directory exampleDirectory = package.childDirectory('example');
+    final Directory androidDirectory =
+        exampleDirectory.childDirectory('android');
-      final Directory androidDirectory =
-          exampleDirectory.childDirectory('android');
+    // Ensures that gradle wrapper exists
+    if (!await _ensureGradleWrapperExists(androidDirectory)) {
+      errors.add('Unable to build example apk');
+      return errors;
+    }
-      final String enableExperiment = getStringArg(kEnableExperiment);
-      final String encodedEnableExperiment =
-          Uri.encodeComponent('--enable-experiment=$enableExperiment');
+    await _configureFirebaseProject();
-      // Ensures that gradle wrapper exists
-      if (!androidDirectory.childFile(_gradleWrapper).existsSync()) {
-        final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
-            'flutter',
-            <String>[
-              'build',
-              'apk',
-              if (enableExperiment.isNotEmpty)
-                '--enable-experiment=$enableExperiment',
-            ],
-            workingDir: androidDirectory);
+    if (!await _runGradle(androidDirectory, 'app:assembleAndroidTest')) {
+      errors.add('Unable to assemble androidTest');
+      return errors;
+    }
-        if (exitCode != 0) {
-          failingPackages.add(packageName);
-          continue;
-        }
+    // Used within the loop to ensure a unique GCS output location for each
+    // test file's run.
+    int resultsCounter = 0;
+    for (final File test in _findIntegrationTestFiles(package)) {
+      final String testName = p.relative(test.path, from: package.path);
+      print('Testing $testName...');
+      if (!await _runGradle(androidDirectory, 'app:assembleDebug',
+          testFile: test)) {
+        printError('Could not build $testName');
+        errors.add('$testName failed to build');
+      final String buildId = getStringArg('build-id');
+      final String testRunId = getStringArg('test-run-id');
+      final String resultsDir =
+          'plugins_android_test/${getPackageDescription(package)}/$buildId/$testRunId/${resultsCounter++}/';
+      final List<String> args = <String>[
+        'firebase',
+        'test',
+        'android',
+        'run',
+        '--type',
+        'instrumentation',
+        '--app',
+        'build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk',
+        '--test',
+        'build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk',
+        '--timeout',
+        '5m',
+        '--results-bucket=${getStringArg('results-bucket')}',
+        '--results-dir=$resultsDir',
+      ];
+      for (final String device in getStringListArg('device')) {
+        args.addAll(<String>['--device', device]);
+      }
+      final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream('gcloud', args,
+          workingDir: exampleDirectory);
-      await _configureFirebaseProject();
+      if (exitCode != 0) {
+        printError('Test failure for $testName');
+        errors.add('$testName failed tests');
+      }
+    }
+    return errors;
+  }
-      int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
-          p.join(androidDirectory.path, _gradleWrapper),
+  /// Checks that 'gradlew' exists in [androidDirectory], and if not runs a
+  /// Flutter build to generate it.
+  ///
+  /// Returns true if either gradlew was already present, or the build succeeds.
+  Future<bool> _ensureGradleWrapperExists(Directory androidDirectory) async {
+    if (!androidDirectory.childFile(_gradleWrapper).existsSync()) {
+      print('Running flutter build apk...');
+      final String experiment = getStringArg(kEnableExperiment);
+      final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
+          'flutter',
-            'app:assembleAndroidTest',
-            '-Pverbose=true',
-            if (enableExperiment.isNotEmpty)
-              '-Pextra-front-end-options=$encodedEnableExperiment',
-            if (enableExperiment.isNotEmpty)
-              '-Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=$encodedEnableExperiment',
+            'build',
+            'apk',
+            if (experiment.isNotEmpty) '--enable-experiment=$experiment',
           workingDir: androidDirectory);
       if (exitCode != 0) {
-        failingPackages.add(packageName);
-        continue;
-      }
-      // Look for tests recursively in folders that start with 'test' and that
-      // live in the root or example folders.
-      bool isTestDir(FileSystemEntity dir) {
-        return dir is Directory &&
-            (p.basename(dir.path).startsWith('test') ||
-                p.basename(dir.path) == 'integration_test');
-      }
-      final List<Directory> testDirs =
-          package.listSync().where(isTestDir).cast<Directory>().toList();
-      final Directory example = package.childDirectory('example');
-      testDirs.addAll(
-          example.listSync().where(isTestDir).cast<Directory>().toList());
-      for (final Directory testDir in testDirs) {
-        bool isE2ETest(FileSystemEntity file) {
-          return file.path.endsWith('_e2e.dart') ||
-              (file.parent.basename == 'integration_test' &&
-                  file.path.endsWith('_test.dart'));
-        }
-        final List<FileSystemEntity> testFiles = testDir
-            .listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: true)
-            .where(isE2ETest)
-            .toList();
-        for (final FileSystemEntity test in testFiles) {
-          exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
-              p.join(androidDirectory.path, _gradleWrapper),
-              <String>[
-                'app:assembleDebug',
-                '-Pverbose=true',
-                '-Ptarget=${test.path}',
-                if (enableExperiment.isNotEmpty)
-                  '-Pextra-front-end-options=$encodedEnableExperiment',
-                if (enableExperiment.isNotEmpty)
-                  '-Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=$encodedEnableExperiment',
-              ],
-              workingDir: androidDirectory);
-          if (exitCode != 0) {
-            failingPackages.add(packageName);
-            continue;
-          }
-          final String buildId = getStringArg('build-id');
-          final String testRunId = getStringArg('test-run-id');
-          final String resultsDir =
-              'plugins_android_test/$packageName/$buildId/$testRunId/${resultsCounter++}/';
-          final List<String> args = <String>[
-            'firebase',
-            'test',
-            'android',
-            'run',
-            '--type',
-            'instrumentation',
-            '--app',
-            'build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk',
-            '--test',
-            'build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk',
-            '--timeout',
-            '5m',
-            '--results-bucket=${getStringArg('results-bucket')}',
-            '--results-dir=$resultsDir',
-          ];
-          for (final String device in getStringListArg('device')) {
-            args.addAll(<String>['--device', device]);
-          }
-          exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream('gcloud', args,
-              workingDir: exampleDirectory);
-          if (exitCode != 0) {
-            failingPackages.add(packageName);
-            continue;
-          }
-        }
+        return false;
+    return true;
+  }
-    _print('\n\n');
-    if (failingPackages.isNotEmpty) {
-      _print(
-          'The instrumentation tests for the following packages are failing (see above for'
-          'details):');
-      for (final String package in failingPackages) {
-        _print(' * $package');
-      }
+  /// Builds [target] using 'gradlew' in the given [directory]. Assumes
+  /// 'gradlew' already exists.
+  ///
+  /// [testFile] optionally does the Flutter build with the given test file as
+  /// the build target.
+  ///
+  /// Returns true if the command succeeds.
+  Future<bool> _runGradle(
+    Directory directory,
+    String target, {
+    File? testFile,
+  }) async {
+    final String experiment = getStringArg(kEnableExperiment);
+    final String? extraOptions = experiment.isNotEmpty
+        ? Uri.encodeComponent('--enable-experiment=$experiment')
+        : null;
+    final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
+        p.join(directory.path, _gradleWrapper),
+        <String>[
+          target,
+          '-Pverbose=true',
+          if (testFile != null) '-Ptarget=${testFile.path}',
+          if (extraOptions != null) '-Pextra-front-end-options=$extraOptions',
+          if (extraOptions != null)
+            '-Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=$extraOptions',
+        ],
+        workingDir: directory);
+    if (exitCode != 0) {
+      return false;
-    if (missingFlutterBuild.isNotEmpty) {
-      _print('Run "pub global run flutter_plugin_tools build-examples --apk" on'
-          'the following packages before executing tests again:');
-      for (final String package in missingFlutterBuild) {
-        _print(' * $package');
-      }
+    return true;
+  }
+  /// Finds and returns all integration test files for [package].
+  Iterable<File> _findIntegrationTestFiles(Directory package) sync* {
+    final Directory integrationTestDir =
+        package.childDirectory('example').childDirectory('integration_test');
+    if (!integrationTestDir.existsSync()) {
+      return;
-    if (failingPackages.isNotEmpty || missingFlutterBuild.isNotEmpty) {
-      throw ToolExit(1);
-    }
-    _print('All Firebase Test Lab tests successful!');
+    yield* integrationTestDir
+        .listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: true)
+        .where((FileSystemEntity file) =>
+            file is File && file.basename.endsWith('_test.dart'))
+        .cast<File>();
diff --git a/script/tool/test/firebase_test_lab_test.dart b/script/tool/test/firebase_test_lab_command_test.dart
similarity index 62%
rename from script/tool/test/firebase_test_lab_test.dart
rename to script/tool/test/firebase_test_lab_command_test.dart
index 32867c9..e317ba9 100644
--- a/script/tool/test/firebase_test_lab_test.dart
+++ b/script/tool/test/firebase_test_lab_command_test.dart
@@ -18,18 +18,15 @@
   group('$FirebaseTestLabCommand', () {
     FileSystem fileSystem;
     late Directory packagesDir;
-    late List<String> printedMessages;
     late CommandRunner<void> runner;
     late RecordingProcessRunner processRunner;
     setUp(() {
       fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem();
       packagesDir = createPackagesDirectory(fileSystem: fileSystem);
-      printedMessages = <String>[];
       processRunner = RecordingProcessRunner();
-      final FirebaseTestLabCommand command = FirebaseTestLabCommand(packagesDir,
-          processRunner: processRunner,
-          print: (Object? message) => printedMessages.add(message.toString()));
+      final FirebaseTestLabCommand command =
+          FirebaseTestLabCommand(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner);
       runner = CommandRunner<void>(
           'firebase_test_lab_command', 'Test for $FirebaseTestLabCommand');
@@ -48,32 +45,31 @@
-      await expectLater(
-          () => runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['firebase-test-lab']),
-          throwsA(const TypeMatcher<ToolExit>()));
+      Error? commandError;
+      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
+          runner, <String>['firebase-test-lab'], errorHandler: (Error e) {
+        commandError = e;
+      });
+      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-          printedMessages,
+          output,
               '\nWarning: gcloud config set returned a non-zero exit code. Continuing anyway.'));
-    test('runs e2e tests', () async {
+    test('runs integration tests', () async {
       createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir, extraFiles: <String>[
-        'test/plugin_e2e.dart',
-        'should_not_run_e2e.dart',
-        'lib/test/should_not_run_e2e.dart',
-        'example/test/plugin_e2e.dart',
-        'example/test_driver/plugin_e2e.dart',
-        'example/test_driver/plugin_e2e_test.dart',
+        'example/integration_test/bar_test.dart',
-        'example/should_not_run_e2e.dart',
-      await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
@@ -86,14 +82,17 @@
-        printedMessages,
-        orderedEquals(<String>[
-          '\nRUNNING FIREBASE TEST LAB TESTS for plugin',
-          '\nFirebase project configured.',
-          '\n\n',
-          'All Firebase Test Lab tests successful!',
+        output,
+        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+          contains('Running for plugin'),
+          contains('Firebase project configured.'),
+          contains('Testing example/integration_test/bar_test.dart...'),
+          contains('Testing example/integration_test/foo_test.dart...'),
+      expect(output, isNot(contains('test/plugin_test.dart')));
+      expect(output,
+          isNot(contains('example/integration_test/should_not_run.dart')));
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@
-              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/test/plugin_e2e.dart'
+              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/integration_test/bar_test.dart'
                   .split(' '),
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@
-              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/test/plugin_e2e.dart'
+              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/integration_test/foo_test.dart'
                   .split(' '),
@@ -129,16 +128,91 @@
               'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/1/ --device model=flame,version=29 --device model=seoul,version=26'
                   .split(' '),
+        ]),
+      );
+    });
+    test('skips packages with no androidTest directory', () async {
+      createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir, extraFiles: <String>[
+        'example/integration_test/foo_test.dart',
+        'example/android/gradlew',
+      ]);
+      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+        'firebase-test-lab',
+        '--device',
+        'model=flame,version=29',
+        '--device',
+        'model=seoul,version=26',
+        '--test-run-id',
+        'testRunId',
+        '--build-id',
+        'buildId',
+      ]);
+      expect(
+        output,
+        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+          contains('Running for plugin'),
+          contains('No example with androidTest directory'),
+        ]),
+      );
+      expect(output,
+          isNot(contains('Testing example/integration_test/foo_test.dart...')));
+      expect(
+        processRunner.recordedCalls,
+        orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]),
+      );
+    });
+    test('builds if gradlew is missing', () async {
+      createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir, extraFiles: <String>[
+        'example/integration_test/foo_test.dart',
+        'example/android/app/src/androidTest/MainActivityTest.java',
+      ]);
+      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+        'firebase-test-lab',
+        '--device',
+        'model=flame,version=29',
+        '--device',
+        'model=seoul,version=26',
+        '--test-run-id',
+        'testRunId',
+        '--build-id',
+        'buildId',
+      ]);
+      expect(
+        output,
+        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+          contains('Running for plugin'),
+          contains('Running flutter build apk...'),
+          contains('Firebase project configured.'),
+          contains('Testing example/integration_test/foo_test.dart...'),
+        ]),
+      );
+      expect(
+        processRunner.recordedCalls,
+        orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android/gradlew',
-              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/test_driver/plugin_e2e.dart'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android'),
+            'flutter',
+            'build apk'.split(' '),
+            '/packages/plugin/example/android',
+          ),
-              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/2/ --device model=flame,version=29 --device model=seoul,version=26'
+              'auth activate-service-account --key-file=${Platform.environment['HOME']}/gcloud-service-key.json'
                   .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example'),
+              null),
+          ProcessCall(
+              'gcloud', 'config set project flutter-infra'.split(' '), null),
+          ProcessCall(
+              '/packages/plugin/example/android/gradlew',
+              'app:assembleAndroidTest -Pverbose=true'.split(' '),
+              '/packages/plugin/example/android'),
               'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/integration_test/foo_test.dart'
@@ -146,7 +220,7 @@
-              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/3/ --device model=flame,version=29 --device model=seoul,version=26'
+              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/0/ --device model=flame,version=29 --device model=seoul,version=26'
                   .split(' '),
@@ -155,17 +229,8 @@
     test('experimental flag', () async {
       createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir, extraFiles: <String>[
-        'test/plugin_test.dart',
-        'test/plugin_e2e.dart',
-        'should_not_run_e2e.dart',
-        'lib/test/should_not_run_e2e.dart',
-        'example/test/plugin_e2e.dart',
-        'example/test_driver/plugin_e2e.dart',
-        'example/test_driver/plugin_e2e_test.dart',
-        'example/integration_test/should_not_run.dart',
-        'example/should_not_run_e2e.dart',
@@ -197,42 +262,12 @@
-              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/test/plugin_e2e.dart -Pextra-front-end-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1 -Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android'),
-          ProcessCall(
-              'gcloud',
-              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/0/ --device model=flame,version=29'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example'),
-          ProcessCall(
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android/gradlew',
-              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/test/plugin_e2e.dart -Pextra-front-end-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1 -Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android'),
-          ProcessCall(
-              'gcloud',
-              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/1/ --device model=flame,version=29'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example'),
-          ProcessCall(
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android/gradlew',
-              'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/test_driver/plugin_e2e.dart -Pextra-front-end-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1 -Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android'),
-          ProcessCall(
-              'gcloud',
-              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/2/ --device model=flame,version=29'
-                  .split(' '),
-              '/packages/plugin/example'),
-          ProcessCall(
-              '/packages/plugin/example/android/gradlew',
               'app:assembleDebug -Pverbose=true -Ptarget=/packages/plugin/example/integration_test/foo_test.dart -Pextra-front-end-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1 -Pextra-gen-snapshot-options=--enable-experiment%3Dexp1'
                   .split(' '),
-              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/3/ --device model=flame,version=29'
+              'firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test build/app/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --timeout 5m --results-bucket=gs://flutter_firebase_testlab --results-dir=plugins_android_test/plugin/buildId/testRunId/0/ --device model=flame,version=29'
                   .split(' '),